Entries by raslade

Ely Tuesday Dates

The sessions will run from 7.30 – 8.45pm. Tuesday 23 April Tuesday 30 April Tuesday 7 May Tuesday 14 May Tuesday 21 May (No session on Tuesday 28 May as it is half term) Tuesday 4 June – session postponed (as per email on 20 May) Tuesday 11 June Tuesday 18 June Tuesday 25 June […]

Cambridge Dates

Sessions will run from 8.00 – 9.15pm. Wednesday 24 April Wednesday 1 May Wednesday 8 May Wednesday 15 May Wednesday 22 May (No session on Wednesday 29 May as it is half term) Wednesday 5 June – session postponed as per email on 20 May. Wednesday 12 June Wednesday 19 June Wednesday 26 June Wednesday […]

Ely Thursday Dates

The sessions will run from 7.30 – 8.45 pm. Thursday 25 April Thursday 2 May Thursday 9 May Thursday 16 May Thursday 23 May (No session on Thursday 30 May as it is half term) Thursday 6 June – session postponed as per email on 20 May. Thursday 13 June Thursday 20 June Thursday 27 […]


Order Sing! Choirs Merchandise here!

Sing! Choirs Birthday Concert

Come join us for our Sing! Choirs celebrating 10 years of singing charity concert! (well nearly 11 years!) on Sunday 16 October 2022!

Song Suggestions

Got any ideas for new songs then send me an email called Song Suggestions.


T&C’s can be updated to accommodate changes over the years – all just to be aware of, and helps make Sing! Choirs as super as it is!

Registration Form

Every Sing! Choirs member must fill one in and send to Kathryn. It is highly likely you did this when you joined, so don’t need to do another one. Please let Kathryn know of any change of details.