Our current Sing! Choirs times and locations
Use this page to find out where and when we meet!
Scroll down to see more about out Workplace Choir Programme – you can contact us to find out more.
Kathryn also leads a group for people living with dementia, memory loss and their carers called Sing! Together. Visit the All In Sound website to find out more.
Have a look in our frequently asked questions to see if we can help answer any questions
Sing! Choirs Ely
Tuesday evenings
7.30 to 8.45pm
Ely St John’s Primary School
St John’s Road
Sing! Choirs Cambridge
Wednesday evenings
8 to 9.15pm
Mayfield Primary School
Warwick Road
Sing! Choirs Ely
Thursday evenings
7.30 to 8.45pm
Ely St John’s Primary School
St John’s Road
Workplace Choir Programme
Our exciting and innovative programme of work sees Sing! Choirs visiting workplaces throughout the UK. Workplaces have ranged from educational settings to health organisations to international companies. High-quality sessions, led by experienced leaders.
Sing! Choirs sessions in the workplace are tailored to your needs, whether it’s a one-off session as part of a team-building exercise, a longer-term project leading to a performance, or a regular weekly lunchtime choir – Sing! Choirs can make it work for your workplace.
Do contact us to find out more about this programme and what we can do for you and your workplace!